March 9: Committee on the Status of Women nominations

February 24, 2012

Marmian Grimes

Nominations are now open for membership on the Faculty Senate Committee on the Status of Women. Those interested in serving on CSW should submit a nomination by March 9. Visit the CSW website to access the nomination form.

Two-year terms begin in May 2012 and end in May 2014. Faculty eligible for nomination should hold academic rank with a full-time continuing appointment at UAF, or hold special academic rank with a title preceded by "research" or "term."

Following the close of nominations, members will be elected at large by UAF faculty. Nominees will be asked to prepare a brief statement of interest that will be included in the voting ballot distributed in March.

CSW monitors the status of women faculty at UAF and works proactively for gender equity by such actions as:

  • maintaining lists of women faculty with hire, tenure and promotion dates;

  • organizing and supervising surveys on the status of women, and assessing the cultural climate of the university as it pertains to women;

  • recommending policy to address the needs of women faculty;

  • supporting mentoring of women (both new and mid-career faculty);

  • addressing family/work issues such as child care, parental leave, and spousal/partner hire;

  • coordinating with other campus and university groups which deal with women's and gender issues; and,

  • any other issues which help women faculty achieve equity at UAF.

A list of the current CSW members is posted at the committee's website.

Contact the Faculty Senate Office at 474-7964 for more information.