Speaker to explore responses to toxic behavior in academia

February 5, 2016

University Relations

The associate director of the University of Alaska Anchorage's Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence will visit UAF on Feb. 23 for two discussions of bullying and toxic behavior in university departments.

Libby Roderick will talk and show a UAA-developed video on the topic from 12:30-2:30 p.m. in Rasmuson 340 and from 3–5 p.m. in the Murie Building auditorium.

A recent survey of UAA faculty and staff showed widespread concern about academic bullying and a perception that the university system needs to respond more effectively to reports of toxic behavior within departments.

Bullying and toxic behavior in the workplace are hot topics across the nation. Universities across the country are exploring a range of responses. They include additional language in mission, union and hiring documents; departmental codes of conduct; and a collegiality criterion in promotion, tenure and hiring decisions.

In 2014, UAA faculty and staff worked with a scriptwriter to develop an interactive theater piece that explores some of the ways academic bullying can affect the dynamics within a department. From this, they produced the video “Toxic Friday,” which Roderick will show at the Fairbanks meetings.

No registration is necessary. For more information, contact UAF’s Office of Faculty Development at 474-5055 or email Joy Morrison, the director, at jfmorrison@alaska.edu.