Cross-country ski team training

August 9, 2018

University Relations

Last year, as in years past, I noticed that the UAF Cross Country Ski Team does training on the highways outside of the Fairbanks area. What I don't understand is why do they do training out on the Steese Highway right in the middle of hunting season? This highway is very busy during the first 2 weeks of September with hunters towing campers and large trailers. This highway has no shoulders and I have personally seen dangerous situations where the Ski team Members were met with trucks in blind curves. This is not a "rights to the road" issue. This is a safety issue. There was a sign posted concerning she Ski Team being on the highway, but the sign was only at mile 25. Nothing was posted for anyone traveling into town. I fully understand the importance of having the Ski Team train in the fall, but I think that this location is a very poor and unsafe choice.