Green Dot college instructor training

August 16, 2017

University Relations

A weeklong Green Dot college instructor training course takes place September 11-15, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. You must attend the entire training to become a Green Dot College instructor. A one-day boot camp is available Sept. 15 for already certified trainers. The deadline for registration is Friday, Aug. 25.

Green Dot harnesses the power of individual choices to shift social norms, resulting in broad-based culture change. Green Dot is based on a wealth of interdisciplinary research, including social change theory, diffusion of innovation, communication, marketing, bystander intervention and perpetration patterns. To learn more, visit

The training certifies attendees to implement the Green Dot violence prevention strategy on their college campus. Components of the training include:
- A comprehensive review of the research and theories behind the Green Dot Strategy.
- Elements of the Green Dot strategy and curriculum.
- Developing an implementation plan.

To attend the training, please contact Amy Cross in the Nanook Diversity and Action Center at or 474-6025.