Strategic Direction update

July 31, 2012

Marmian Grimes

During last week’s Statewide SDI Planning Meeting the chancellors from all three MAUs talked about the issues, problems and potential solutions directly related to the five Strategic Direction themes selected at the meeting.

UAF Chancellor Brian Rogers addressed the importance of taking a completely different look at how student success is measured. “If we really want to know whether students are attaining their goals, then we need to know the day they enter our campuses what it is they want to attain. That implies a whole different approach toward engaging first-time entrants into the university system,” said Rogers.

UAS Chancellor John Pugh discussed another key issue, which may also require a new approach. “We have to send the message that we need ‘student accountability’ if we’re going to be successful as a system. A recent national research study shows students in universities nationwide study half as much as students who studied at universities 30 years ago. If we’re going to provide a quality education system, we may have to set some bars differently… at the front end. Our students need to know that higher education is a full time job. You’re going to have to put in 40 to 50 hours a week in order to succeed,” added Pugh.

UAA Chancellor Tom Case talked about applying three very important elements to creating and building on key partnerships with Alaskan schools, as well as Alaska’s public and private industries.

“There are a lot of good examples of great successes between the university and partners statewide. When I reflect on what causes success, it’s really all about listening, communicating and fostering relationships. The more closely we listen, and understand, the better the outcomes,” said Case.
 President Gamble noted that, “it’s going to take a lot of courage to act on some of the issues that lie before us. If we have the courage to fundamentally change the way we do business, then we have the opportunity to make some big inroads here.”

  UA Strategic Direction Themes     

  • Student Achievement & Attainment

  • Productive Partnerships with Schools

  • Productive Partnerships with Alaska’s Public and Private Industries

  • Research & Development to help sustain Alaska’s Economic Growth

  • Accountability to the People of Alaska

“What is your role in SDI?”

It is everyone’s role to be a part of Shaping Alaska’s Future 2017” and help make UA a better and stronger university in the 21st century. Be proactive, ask questions of your department manager, your dean, or anyone in a leadership role and find out how you can get involved. Please take a moment and complete the SDI online survey . Your feedback is important to us!

Find out more about the Strategic Direction Initiative.