Teaching Tip: Using Blackboard’s Running Total option

June 10, 2014

Marissa Carl

Use of the Running Total option in the Blackboard system can affect how students perceive their grades.

Whether you use a Weighted Total column and/or the Total column, take a look at the effect of using the Running Total option.

To experiment without adjusting an actual student’s grade record, click on the “Go To Student View” button located in the upper right corner under the tabs that say “My Blackboard” and “Courses” then use the Bb Demo User that is created in your Grade Center. The Running Total option, on or off, works the same whether you use Weighted Total or not.


The benefit of turning off the Running Total option is that you don’t have to enter zeros for any assignments a student doesn’t submit. The total possible points will calculate correctly using this option.

Example: A student has taken Exam 1 but hasn’t submitted Assignment 1, which is past due. There are 115 total points for the course.

Running Total option turned OFF/NO and NO zeroes entered for work not submitted.
Running Total option turned OFF/NO and NO zeroes entered for work not submitted.



If you choose to go with the Running Total turned on (click yes), then the Running Total option will require you to enter zeroes for all graded items that a student doesn’t submit. If no zeros are entered then the total possible points will not be calculated properly.

Example: A student has taken Exam 1 but hasn’t submitted Assignment 1. There are 115 total points for the course.

Running Total option turned ON/YES and NO zeroes added for work not submitted.
Running Total option turned ON/YES and NO zeroes added for work not submitted.


Running Total option turned ON/YES and zeroes entered for unsubmitted work. This is the same as you would see if you use a Weighted Total with Running Total ON/YES and entered zeroes for work not submitted.
Running Total option turned ON/YES and zeroes entered for unsubmitted work. This is the same as you would see if you use a Weighted Total with Running Total ON/YES and entered zeroes for work not submitted.

When using Weighted Total make sure the Running Total option for the Total column is set the same. Otherwise, the student-view calculation won’t make sense.

Blackboard Weighted Total

For more information, watch this video

-- Teaching Tip by Shelly Baumann, UAF eLearning Faculty Services Coordinator

Head to iTeachU for more Teaching Tips about Blackboard and more: elearning.uaf.edu/go/tt-runningtotals